Former User Intros


Your objective with this play is to get a former user to provide insight, influence, or a warm introduction. This is going to be an individual with hands on experience with your product, but in many cases they're not going to be the ultimate decision maker or economic buyer. Your hope is that they liked your product and would be willing to be an advocate for you at some level. 

With User Tracking, Connect The Dots helps you quickly identify former users on the move, or former users in your target account list. We can also takes it one step further and shows you who in your organization had or has a relationship with that user. Using Team Communication you can even see when they were last in touch. It may make sense for the email to come that person, given that if they recognize the name in their inbox, they're way more likely to respond, and way more likely to act. That said, there are ways to write the email that you can outreach directly and reference the shared connection. The "shared connection" could be the fact that they are a former user, who worked with at your company, or an update on the rollout at their former company. That last bit you'll want to walk the line of confidentiality, but you can probably share that their former company is still using the product and having success with it.   

Sequence of Events

Option a) Ask a former user for account intelligence 

From: Corey Stone [Requestor - SDR]
To: Steve Periera [Former User]
Subject: Tukatu + Bonobos – Two Quick Questions  

Hey Steve,

Congrats on the move over to Bonobos. It seems like an amazing company. 

From what I understand you used Tukatu when you were at JC Pennys. 

  • Do you think it's something that Bonobos would benefit from? Or do you use a similar product?
  • Do you know who at Bonobos would be the best champion for a product like this? 

I really appreciate any insight you can provide. 

Best, Corey

Option b) Ask a former user for an intro

From: Corey Stone [Requestor - SDR]
To: Steve Periera [Former User]
Subject: Tukatu @ Bonobos   

Hi Ryan, 

From what I understand you used Tukatu back when you were at JC Pennys. 

We think Bonobos would be a great fit for our product.  

Would you be able to put in a good word with one of the people below?
Do you think these are the right people we should be talking to?  

  • Binh Hollowgrass - VP of Marketing
  • Grant Yamada - Performance Marketing
  • Rachel Tran - VP of Engineering

Happy to connect live too. You can give me a call on my mobile anytime. (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Best, Corey

Option c) Leverage former users to spark interest

From: Corey Stone [Requestor - SDR]
To: Ryan Daniels [Target - VP of Marketing at Bonobos]
Subject: Bonobos coworkers who have experience with Tukatu  

Hi Ryan, 

If you cross paths with Sam Adler, Ruth Wong, or Steve Periera, you might ask them about their experience using Tukatu. They were all users at previous companies and can share their insights.  

Tukatu has emerged as the clear leader in the web optimization pace with 4 times the number of 5 star reviews as our next closest competitor.  At Trunk Club we were able to drive x% increase in y/y website conversion and at the gap we reduced shopping card abandonment by y%.  

With a 30 min call, we can determine if we can deliver the same results for you. 

Best, Corey

Product Tour

  • Company Page - What insights can I uncover from checking Connect The Dots? What is the best way in?
  • Person Page - How do I know this person? What are some personalization points for my outreach?
  • Chrome Extension - How does this work in context of my LinkedIn workflows? 
  • Search - What are the most valuable searches to run on Connect The Dots?
  • List Views - What are some of the default list views and how would I use them?
  • User Tracking - How do you track users on the move?
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