Is it possible to 10x your network intelligence?

At first glance, this may seem like a crazy question. 

If you believe the statement above ☝️ is plausible, you'll be motivated to use this product. 

#1 Know All Your Contacts 📇

We'll start with a fun thought experiment. 

If you wanted to build a list of ALL the companies and ALL the contacts and companies you've interacted with throughout your career, how would you do it? 

Turns out it's not easy (it's actually impossible) and would be very time-consuming. However, if you could, it would be an incredibly value list.  For context, imagine trying to combine (and deduplicate) all your contacts from the following sources:

💡The contacts on your phone
💡Your contacts from LinkedIn
💡Your holiday card address list
💡All the contacts you own in Salesforce

Chances are none of these are a complete list of who you know. Even more important, they rarely show how you've interacted with them. While the contacts on your phone or LinkedIn might number ~1,000, it is very likely you'll have 10x that number in your personal and work email accounts. Granted, many of them will be weak or unknown connections, but you'll always have context on how you know 100% of them. The key is collecting, and analyzing, years of email history. If you've got a work account that goes back years you're ahead of the game. If not, start building that network today! 🏁 You don't know how often we hear, "I wish I had this when I was at my last company. There are so many people I knew who would be valuable to see in my network – but it's impossible to remember all of their names."

This is key to our Supergraph concept. When you keep valuable contacts in a single unified view and can surface insights and context in seconds – your network intelligence can easily increase by 10x. Not only is it possible, but with CTD, it's accomplished in a few clicks. 

#2 Find All Your Potential Contacts ✨

With LinkedIn you can find millions of potential contacts. Virtually everyone on the planet 🌎 has a LinkedIn profile. However, there is no way to understand or order any list of LinkedIn profiles by relationship strength. It's virtually impossible to know how well people know each other. That's where CTD excels. 

In CTD, if there’s a way to connect with someone, we show it to you 💰. And, we tell you how well two people know each other.

Everyone has far more potential contacts than direct contacts. Luckily, potential contacts are just a quick introduction request away. For example, let's say you have 100 coworkers on CTD, each with 236 strong/familiar relationships. 📈That's 23,600 good paths to 🔍 insight, 🧠 expertise, 👍 influence, and 🤝 introductions. 

And why stop at your co-worker's networks. You've got former colleagues, friends, family, partners, and investors. The sky's the limit in how far you could grow your potential contacts if you're strategic about who you invite. 

This is another example how you can 10x your network intelligence. 

#3 Exploring How You Research

If you were given 2 minutes to research an account, where would you search? We will compare two approaches.

Search LinkedIn for a company

The results:
  • Ken & 3 others work here
  • 148 employees 
  • Company description
  • Website URL
  • Funding
  • Latest posts
  • A list of all the employees at the company and if we share a connection  
This is all valuable information, but what's missing?  
  1. I've found a way to connect, but I've just got a binary signal about each relationship. I have no idea how well people know each other. 🥺
  2. I have to rely on memory for when we last emailed 🥺, or I've got to go search my email inbox 🥺 (or multiple inboxes), or I've got to go search the Salesforce activity history 🥺. If I don't go through all those sources I risk stepping on toes. There's a very good chance I'll miss valuable context 🥺. This is time-consuming and doesn't lead to great outcomes. 

Search Connect The Dots for a company

  • See everyone I know at a company both current and former. 
  • Instant access to their emails ✉️ and phone numbers. 📱
  • See my last communications with each contact 💬 – from both my personal and work emails.
  • One click to get to their Website, LinkedIn, CrunchBase, or Twitter.  
  • See all the people my co-workers and connectors know (potential contacts)
  • Contacts sorted by relationship strength. This reduces cognitive load and guides me to the most successful path to a new connection. 
  • Filter lists by job titles or seniority to narrow my focus. 
  • With team communication, I can see which of my co-workers have been engaged with people at the company. 
  • And, with user tracking, I can see who at the company is a user or former user.
Within seconds of searching, I know...   
  1. If there's a way to connect with someone and the best paths to do so. 💪 
  2. I've checked my last correspondence and which co-workers have been engaged 💪reducing inefficiency and preventing stepping on toes.
  3. I've got good context for my conversation and the ability to kick off a conversation with personal details. 💪

    Whatever the task, you're positioned for success!

We recommend using both methods to get the best of both worlds!

Download the Chrome Extension to get combine your networks, and get insight from your email history, in context and directly within LinkedIn.

#4 Keep Track of Your Customer Champions 👥

Happy customers are your best salespeople. However, we largely don't have them on our relationship radar – particularly when they are changing jobs. When they stop using your SaaS product they effectively disappear. 

With Connect The Dots, you'll be the first to see when your users change jobs. You can also identify all your former customers who are at your target accounts. For example, if you have 10,000 users of your product and 20% of them change jobs every year, that's 2,000 leads. Tap into their insight, influence, and ability to get warm introductions.  

The process for turning User Tracking on is simple. What we need from you is a list of users in CSV format. It would include first name, last name, and email. From our system, we collect data that we know about your customers like current company, job title, relationship info, etc. If you'd like to start with a subset of your users to test the feature out, we'd be happy to take that approach as well. 

#5 The Art Of The Warm Introduction 🥋

Finding the relationship strength is the first step. We should do it more because it puts us a step ahead.

But it's equally valuable to figure out how to make a good ask so it is easy for the other person to say yes. 

We can provide you and your team with email templates for sales and recruiting which you can adjust and make your own.  

In summation...

It is possible to 10x your network intelligence! 

It is pretty easy to execute and it pays huge dividends

If you can connect the dots, it always leads to better outcomes. Get started today and uncover best practices for individuals and enterprises. Or browse our sales playbooks and recruiting playbooks.

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