For Enterprises

Success starts by optimizing your network intelligence. Without CTD, it is impossible to know who is in your extended network and use these connections to help with Sales and Recruiting. For example, Janet in accounting went to college with your biggest prospect. Tony from HR used to work with three people at an account you’ve been trying to prospect. With your current suite of tools – this situation could be true – but you never know it.

Connect The Dots reveals unseen relationships and hidden connections that help sellers sell. We use a treasure trove of data – email history, LinkedIn contacts, and career overlaps – to show the strongest connections between your team, your supporters, and the companies you're targeting. We call this new, and vastly improved, network your Supergraph.

We've worked hard to make it easy to create your very own SuperGraph for your company. It takes 15 minutes for IT to set up the enterprise connector. Without any additional work, the entire company's relationships are mapped, shared, and made actionable.

This simple initiative will put you a step ahead of your competition. 

It works out of the box, with perfect data, smart email templates, and pre-built connectors.

With relationship intelligence your Executive team, sellers, recruiters, and investors, can;

  • Book more meetings
  • Multi-thread deals
  • Close bigger deals 
  • Start more conversations and easily maintain relationships
  • Find great, vetted candidates for open positions

Follow this guide to optimize your Network Intelligence

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